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Origin : Arôma'plantes
Distilled part : Flower and leaves
Main components : Linalol, limonène, géraniol
This Marjolaine is not one of them! She is part of the Thymus family, like the Thymes. It is also one of its names, the Thyme of Spain. It has a very pleasant characteristic smell and is used in many traditions of southern Europe.
Here are a few properties of Spanish Marjoram oil:
All properties described here are from the bibliography and are provided for information purposes and should not be interpreted as medical prescriptions.
Product from organic farming certified by FR BIO 10 - Agriculture hors UE
Essential oil for food use
Therapeutic use of essential oils on medical advice .
Ma bible des huiles essentielles, Danièle Festy
Les propriétés physiques et psychiques des huiles essentielles, Dr Paul Dupont
Huiles essentielles chémotypées, A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L. Breda