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Organic bay laurel leaf essential oil is appreciated for oral hygiene as a mouthwash. Its anti-inflammatory properties relieve muscular pain. It prevents and fights respiratory ailments. In cosmetics, it effectively combats acne.
Origin : Aroma'Plantes
Distilled part : Leaves
Main components :1,8-cineole, acetate de terpenyle, methyleugenol
In Antiquity, it was the symbol of Apollo, the crown of victors, kings, poets, sages, geniuses and also of graduating students, hence the name, baccalauréat, bacca laurea meaning bay laurel. It's a symbol of glory, victory and triumph, but also of immortality, victory and light.
We use Bay laurel essential oil in our spray Anti-mîtes.
Here are a few properties of Laurel essential oil:
All properties described here are from the bibliography and are provided for information purposes and should not be interpreted as medical prescriptions.
It is a perfect essential oil to apply in case of gingivitis, undiluted directly on the area using a cotton swab for example.
Tip from the Arôma'plantes team.
Product from organic farming certified by FR BIO 10 - Agriculture hors UE
Essential oil for food use
Therapeutic use of essential oils on medical advice .
Ma bible des huiles essentielles, Danièle Festy
Les propriétés physiques et psychiques des huiles essentielles, Dr Paul Dupont
Huiles essentielles chémotypées, A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L. Breda
Specific References