Cajeput - essential oil - organic
  • Cajeput - essential oil - organic
  • Cajeput - essential oil - organic

Cajeput - essential oil - organic

Contenance: 10 ml
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Cajeput - essential oil - organic


Origin : Vietnam

Distilled part : Leaves

Main components : 1,8-cineole, alpha terpineol, limonene


About the plant :

The Cajeput is of the same family as the Tea tree and the Niaouli, the Myrtaceae. Native Australians used Cajeput leaves to treat muscle pain and inhaled the vapours of crushed leaves to treat respiratory infections. In Thailand, the leaves are used to make an herbal tea that would treat a wide range of medical problems.


For your information :

Here are a few properties of Cajeput essential oil:

  • It is anti-inflammatory and combats winter illnesses, pain and rheumatism.
  • It is effective for the respiratory tract. It prevents the spread of bacteria.
  • It will be a good ally for oily skin and acne as well as for oily hair.
  • It eliminates intestinal worms.
  • It is a calming and fatigue-fighting oil.


All properties described here are from the bibliography and are provided for information purposes and should not be interpreted as medical prescriptions.


The recipe :The canker sore care

Mix :

  • 1 drop of Laurel essential oil
  • 1 drop of Girofle essential oil
  • 1 drop of Cajeput essential oil
  • 1 spoon of Calendula macerate

Make 3 or 4 applications per day on the lesion or lesions, for 3 days.

Recipe from "Ma bible des huiles essentielles" de Danièle Festy.


Safety precaution:

Product from organic farming certified by FR BIO 10 - Agriculture hors UE

Essential oil for food use

Therapeutic use of essential oils on medical advice .

Based on the bibliography :

Ma bible des huiles essentielles, Danièle Festy
Les propriétés physiques et psychiques des huiles essentielles, Dr Paul Dupont
Huiles essentielles chémotypées, A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L. Breda


Specific References


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